My CV can be downloaded as PDF here: CV Roman Alther
Academic track
2023 | Senior researcher in Florian Altermatt's group at University of Zurich and Eawag, Dübendorf | |
2022 | Oberassistent in Florian Altermatt's group at University of Zurich and Eawag, Dübendorf | |
2018 | Senior research assistant in Florian Altermatt's group at Eawag, Dübendorf and University of Zurich | |
2014 | PhD in Ecology in Florian Altermatt's group at Eawag, Dübendorf and University of Zurich, working on diversity and distribution of amphipods in Switzerland and spatial analysis of biodiversity | |
2012 | Master thesis in Chris Robinson's group at Eawag, Dübendorf "Biodiversity of macroinvertebrates in tributaries of glacial catchments." | |
2012 | Semester work in Florian Altermatt's group at Eawag, Dübendorf "Invasive amphipods in Lake Constance and its tributaries." | |
2011 | Master of Science in Biology at ETH Zurich; (Master in Ecology and Evolution) | |
2008 | Bachelor of Science in Biology at University of Zurich; (Minor in Environmental Sciences |
Scientific boards & Working groups
Fachausschuss Umsetzung Motion 22.3702 (Jauslin) |
Review Seed Grants for the Participatory Science Academy PWA |
Expert for amphipods in the working group Invasive Aquatic Macroinvertebrates (CSCF, IUCN) |
Macrozoobenthos expert Eawag for Modulstufenkonzept BAFU |
Member Scientific committee SwissBOL |
Award / Prize | Conference / Symposium / Foundation |
Best student presentation | Eawag Symposium 2015 |
Funding of fieldwork season 2015 | Georges and Antoine Claraz Stiftung |
Travel grant for International Colloquium on Amphipoda 2017 | Swiss Systematic Society |
Co-supervision of one PhD thesis and three MSc theses. Supervision of five internships. |
UWW210 Field Course in Biodiversity Assessment and Monitoring (UZH) – Preparation, teaching, supervision and assistance |
Certificate of Advanced Studies in Makrozoobenthos – Gewässerbeurteilung & Artenkenntnis (ZHAW Wädenswil) – Introduction to Amphipoda |
Limnoecology blockcourse 2016 (ETH & UZH) – Student project on cryptic diversity within the Gammarus fossarum complex |
Eco PhD Symposium 2016 in Kastanienbaum, Switzerland - Co-Organizer (together with M. Lürig); Symposium with international speakers (Dr. Tanja Schwander & Dr. D. Reznick) |
BIO128/BI S430 Vielfalt der Tiere (UZH & PHZH) - Helping during practicals |
BIO141 Ökologie (UZH) - Helping during practicals & exam supervision |
MAT182 Analysis für die Naturwissenschaften (UZH) - Exam supervision |
Work experience / internships
2014 | Freelancer for the editorial department of the Simply Science Foundation, Zurich: writing articles to inspire children for natural sciences. |
2013 | Field assistance at Western Wyoming Community College for a survey on the food webs of alpine streams in the Wind River Mountains, Wyoming, USA: horse trek of several days and conducting experiments in high alpine surrounding. |
2013 | Scientific Internship at WSL, Birmensdorf (Research group of PD Dr. Anita Risch) and in the Swiss National Park, Zernez: Preparing and conducting experiments on the influence of herbivores on plant community structure: Living in the Park for several months, doing experiments every day. |
2012 – 2013 | Scientific Assistant in Prof. Dr. Florian Altermatt's group at Eawag: Species identification IBCH/NAWA (Biodiversity Monitoring Switzerland) |
2011 | Scientific Internship at Eawag in the Department of Aquatic Ecology: helping with surveys on alpine streams in the Swiss National Park. |
2010 | Environmental Sciences Internship at Foundation SWO, Dübendorf in Public relations and Operation controlling. |
2007 – 2008 | Civilian service at Foundation SWO, Dübendorf and at the Cantonal Archaeology, St. Gallen. |
Society memberships
Gesellschaft für Ökologie (GfÖ), The Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland |
Swiss Systematics Society (SSS) |
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Hydrologie und Limnologie (SGHL) |
Entomologische Gesellschaft Zürich (EGZ) |
St. Gallische Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (NWGSG) |
Pro Natura Schweiz |
Aqua Viva: Water ecosystems protection and environmental education |
Naturschutzverein Niederhasli (NV Niederhasli), a section of BirdLife Schweiz (SVS) |
World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) |
Tiergarten-Gesellschaft Zürich (TGZ) |
2016 – 2019: BES: British Ecological Society |