- Delić T, Borko Š, Premate E, Rexhepi B, Alther R, Knüsel M, Malard M, Weber D, Stoch F, Flot JF, Fišer C, Altermatt F (2023) Evolutionary origin of morphologically cryptic species imprints co-occurrence and sympatry patterns. bioRxiv DOI: 10.1101/2023.09.13.557531
- Jardim de Queiroz L, Doenz CJ, Altermatt F, Alther R, Borko Š, Gossner MM, Graham C, Matthews B, McFadden IR, Pellissier L, Schmitt T, Selz OM, Villalba S, Rüber L, Zimmermann N, Seehausen O (2021) The interaction of climate history and evolution impacts alpine biodiversity assembly differently in freshwater and on land. bioRxiv DOI: 10.1101/2021.12.17.472935
- Alther R, Fronhofer EA, Altermatt F (2020) Dispersal rate and riverine network connectivity shape the genetic diversity of freshwater amphipod metapopulations. bioRxiv DOI: 10.1101/2020.12.21.423851
Peer-reviewed articles
- Delić T, Di Batista Borko Š, Premate E, Rexhepi B, Alther R, Knüsel M, Malard F, et al. (2025) Phylogenetic Origin of Morphologically Cryptic Species Shapes Co-Occurrence and Sympatry Patterns. Freshwater Biology 70(2): e70000
- Di Lorenzo T, Lunghi E, Aanei C, Altermatt F, Alther R, Amorim IR, Băncilă RI, et al. (2024) EU Needs Groundwater Ecosystems Guidelines. Science 386(6726): 1103–1103
- Alther R, Cerroti F, Cereghetti E, Krähenbühl A, Altermatt F (2024) Generalization of a Density-Dependent Ecosystem Function in Dominant Aquatic Macroinvertebrates. Oikos 2024(12): e10774
- Knüsel M, Alther R, Altermatt F (2024) Terrestrial Land Use Signals on Groundwater Fauna beyond Current Protection Buffers. Ecological Applications 34(8): e3040
- Knüsel M, Alther R, Couton M, Altermatt F (2024) Temporal Consistency and Spatial Variability in Detection: Implications for Monitoring of Macroinvertebrates from Shallow Groundwater Aquifers. Subterranean Biology 49: 139–161
- Knüsel M, Alther R, Locher N, Ozgul A, Fišer C, Altermatt F (2024) Systematic and Highly Resolved Modelling of Biodiversity in Inherently Rare Groundwater Amphipods. Journal of Biogeography 51(11), 2094–2108
- Knüsel M, Alther R, Altermatt F (2024) Pronounced Changes of Subterranean Biodiversity Patterns along a Late Pleistocene Glaciation Gradient. Ecography 2024(8): e07321
- Stoch F, Knüsel M, Zakšek V, Alther R, Salussolia A, Altermatt F, Fišer C, Flot JF (2024) Integrative Taxonomy of the Groundwater Amphipod Niphargus Bihorensis Schellenberg, 1940 Reveals a Species-Rich Clade. Contributions to Zoology 93(4): 371–395
- Mammola S, Altermatt F, Alther R, Amorim IR, Băncilă RI, Borges PAV, Brad T, et al. (2024) Perspectives and Pitfalls in Preserving Subterranean Biodiversity through Protected Areas. Npj Biodiversity 3(2)
- Saccò M, Mammola S, Altermatt F, Alther R, Bolpagni R, Brancelj A, Brankovits D, et al. (2024) Groundwater Is a Hidden Global Keystone Ecosystem. Global Change Biology 30(1): e17077
- Couton M, Studer A, Hürlemann S, Locher N, Knüsel M, Alther R, Altermatt F (2023) Integrating citizen science and environmental DNA metabarcoding to study biodiversity of groundwater amphipods in Switzerland. Scientific Reports 13:18097
- Knüsel M, Borko Š, Alther R, Salussolia A, Flot J-F, Altermatt F, Fišer C, Stoch F (2023) Phylogenetic structure and molecular species delimitation hint a complex evolutionary history in an Alpine endemic Niphargus clade (Crustacea, Amphipoda). Zoologischer Anzeiger 302, 27–36
- Martin P, Knüsel M, Alther R, Altermatt F, Ferrari B, Vivien R (2023) Haplotaxis gordioides (Hartmann in Oken, 1819) (Annelida, Clitellata) as a sub-cosmopolitan species: a commonly held view challenged by DNA barcoding. Zoosymposia 23, 78–93
- Couton M, Hürlemann S, Studer A, Alther R, Altermatt F (2023) Groundwater environmental DNA metabarcoding reveals hidden diversity and reflects land-use and geology. Molecular Ecology 32 (13), 3497–3512
- Alther R, Krähenbühl A, Bucher P, Altermatt F (2023) Optimizing laboratory cultures of Gammarus fossarum (Crustacea: Amphipoda) as a study organism in environmental sciences and ecotoxicology. Science of The Total Environment 855, 158730
- Jardim de Queiroz L, Doenz CJ, Altermatt F, Alther R, Borko Š, Brodersen J, Gossner MM, Graham C, Matthews B, McFadden IR, Pellissier L, Schmitt T, Selz OM, Villalba S, Rüber L, Zimmermann NE, Seehausen O (2022) Climate, immigration and speciation shape terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity in the European Alps. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289: 20221020
- Alther R, Fronhofer EA, Altermatt F (2021) Dispersal behaviour and riverine network connectivity shape the genetic diversity of freshwater amphipod metapopulations. Molecular Ecology 30 (24), 6551–6565
- Alther R, Bongni N, Borko Š, Fišer C, Altermatt F (2021) Citizen science approach reveals groundwater fauna in Switzerland and a new species of Niphargus (Amphipoda, Niphargidae). Subterranean Biology 39, 1–31
- Tabi A, Pennekamp F, Altermatt F, Alther R, Fronhofer EA, Horgan K, Mächler E, Pontarp M, Petchey OL, Saavedra S (2020) Species multidimensional effects explain idiosyncratic responses of communities to environmental change. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4 (8), 1036–1043
- Mächler E, Little CJ, Wüthrich R, Alther R, Fronhofer EA, Gounand I, Harvey E, Hürlemann S, Walser JC, Altermatt F (2019) Assessing different components of biodiversity across a river network using eDNA. Environmental DNA 1 (3), 290–301
- Alther R, Thompson C, Lods-Crozet B, Robinson CT (2019) Macroinvertebrate diversity and rarity in non-glacial Alpine streams. Aquatic Sciences 81:42 (Accepted PDF)
- Falniowski A, Prevorčnik S, Delić T, Alther R, Altermatt F, Hofman S (2019) Monophyly of the Moitessieriidae Bourguignat, 1863 (Caenogastropoda: Truncatelloidea). Folia Malacologica 27 (1), 61–70
- Pennekamp F, Pontarp M, Tabi A, Altermatt F, Alther R, Choffat Y, Fronhofer EA, Ganesanandamoorthy P, Garnier A, Griffiths JI, Greene S, Horgan K, Massie TM, Mächler E, Palamara GM, Seymour M, Petchey OL (2018) Biodiversity increases and decreases ecosystem stability. Nature 563, 109–112
- Fišer C, Alther R, Zakšek V, Borko S, Fuchs A, Altermatt F (2018) Translating Niphargus barcodes from Switzerland into taxonomy with a description of two new species (Amphipoda, Niphargidae). ZooKeys 760, 113–141
- Alther R, Altermatt F (2018) Fluvial network topology shapes communities of native and non-native amphipods. Ecosphere 9 (2): e02102
- Alther R, Fišer C, Altermatt F (2017) Description of a widely distributed but overlooked amphipod species in the European Alps. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 179 (4), 751–766 (Accepted PDF)
- Fišer C, Konec M, Alther R, Švara V, Altermatt F (2017) Taxonomic, phylogenetic and ecological diversity of Niphargus (Amphipoda: Crustacea) in the Hölloch cave system (Switzerland). Systematics and Biodiversity 15 (3), 218–237 (Accepted PDF)
- Robinson CT, Thompson C, Lods-Crozet B, Alther R (2016) Chironomidae diversity in high elevation streams in the Swiss Alps. Fundamental and Applied Limnology 188 (3), 201–213
- Altermatt F, Alther R, Mächler E (2016) Spatial patterns of genetic diversity, community composition and occurrence of native and non-native amphipods in naturally replicated tributary streams. BMC Ecology 16:23, 1–11
- Robinson CT, Alther R, Leys M, Moran S, and Thompson C (2015) A note on the foodwebs of alpine streams in the Wind River Mountains, Wyoming, USA. Fundamental and Applied Limnology 187 (1), 43–54
- Altermatt F, Alther R, Fišer C, Jokela J, Konec M, Küry D, Mächler E, Stucki P and Westram AM (2014) Diversity and Distribution of Freshwater Amphipod Species in Switzerland (Crustacea: Amphipoda). PLoS ONE 9 (10): e110328
- Ilg C, Alther R (2024) Ökologischer Zustand von Schweizer Bächen. Aqua & Gas 104(4), 46–52
- Schneider AS, Knüsel M, Alther R, Altermatt F (2024) Grundwasserbiodiversität: Makroinvertebraten in Schweizer Grundwasserökosystemen – Vorkommen, Vielfalt und Biomasse. Aqua & Gas 104 (3), 16–23
- Studer A, Knüsel M, Alther R, Hürlemann S, Altermatt F (2022) Erfassung der Grundwasserflohkrebse. Studie zur Artenvielfalt und Verbreitung im Einzugsgebiet der Töss. Aqua & Gas 102 (4), 19–22
- Alther R, Altermatt F (2021) Die unterirdische Flohkrebsfauna der Schweiz. Stalactite 71 (1), 72–81 (Acceped PDF)
- Alther R, Bongni N, Borko Š, Fišer C, Altermatt F (2020) Reiche Grundwasserfauna – Pilotstudie fördert Artenvielfalt zutage. Aqua & Gas 100 (7/8), 36–42
- Alther R, Fišer C, Konec M, Švara V, Altermatt F (2017) Das Hölloch: Ein Flohkrebs-Hotspot in der Schweiz. Stalactite 67 (1), 10–16
PhD thesis
26th International Conference on Subterranean Biology – “Combining citizen science and environmental DNA metabarcoding to study groundwater fauna in Switzerland” on September 11, 2024 in Cagliari IT |
INVITED SPEAKER: Seminar series in Groundwater Ecology“ – “Diversity of subterranean amphipods in Switzerland” on January 15, 2024 in Vienna AT |
INVITED SPEAKER: Symposium „Grundwassernutzung im Wandel“ – “Grundwasser als Lebensraum – Verborgene Vielfalt” on October 26, 2023 in Dübendorf CH |
52nd GfÖ Annual Meeting – “Generalization of a density dependent ecosystem function in dominant aquatic macroinvertebrates” on September 13, 2023 in Leipzig DE |
INVITED SPEAKER: Virtuelle Vortragsreihe SGHL – “Fliessgewässer – Adern der Ökosysteme” on June 6, 2023 (online) |
INVITED SPEAKER: Makrozoobenthos workshop 2023 – “Gebietsfremde Flohkrebse in der Schweiz” on February 4, 2023 in Wädenswil CH |
INVITED SPEAKER: Höhlenführerkurs SSH – “Flohkrebse” on April 23, 2022 in Muotathal CH |
INVITED SPEAKER: ProNatura Schweiz – “Der Bachflohkrebs – Tier des Jahres” on October 30, 2021 in Dübendorf |
INVITED SPEAKER: ProNatura St. Gallen – “Klein aber oho – Der Bachflohkrebs” on June 9, 2021 at the Naturmuseum St. Gallen (Video) |
INVITED SPEAKER: ProNatura Zurich GA – “Klein aber oho – Der Bachflohkrebs” on May 7, 2021 (online) |
Eawag Symposium 2019 – “Establishing online identification tools and experimental assays for native and non-native amphipods” on September 13, 2019 in Dübendorf CH |
The 18th International Colloquium on Amphipoda – “Density-dependent leaf litter consumption in experimental amphipod communities” on August 29, 2019 in Dijon FR |
INVITED SPEAKER: SVGW Fachaustausch – “Amphipoden im Grundwasser – Wissenslücke und mögliche Forschungsrichtung” on April 25, 2019 in Biel CH |
INVITED SPEAKER: Schwyzerische Naturforschende Gesellschaft – “Flohkrebse - Eine Übersicht am Beispiel des Kantons Schwyz” on February 2, 2019 in Einsiedeln CH |
COST Workshop: DNA-based groundwater biomonitoring – “Combining eDNA and citizen science - Lessons learned from Swiss caves” on January 22, 2019 in Park Škocjanske jame SI |
INVITED SPEAKER: SGHL workshop: Citizen Science – “Von Bachflohkrebsen und Höhlenforschenden” on June 11, 2018 in Zurich CH |
INVITED SPEAKER: Naturschule St. Gallen – “Fliessgewässer - Adern der Ökosysteme” on May 3, 2018 in St. Gallen CH |
PhD defence – “Diversity and Distribution of Amphipods in Switzerland” on February 2, 2018 in Dübendorf CH |
INVITED SPEAKER: Seminar at Biotehniška fakulteta – “Diversity and Distribution of Amphipods in Switzerland” on November 29, 2017 in Ljubljana SI |
The 17th International Colloquium on Amphipoda – “Diversity and systematics of amphipods in Swiss rivers: River network structure shapes community structure” on September 5, 2017 in Trapani IT |
Eco PhD Symposium 2017 – “Fluvial network topology shapes communities of native and non-native amphipods” on June 23, 2017 in Dübendorf CH |
INVITED SPEAKER: eco.naturkongress 2017 – Workshop #8: “Wie Fliessgewässer unsere Biodiversität beeinflussen” on March 31, 2017 in Basel CH |
biology17 – The Annual Swiss Conference on Ecology, Evolution, Systematics, Biogeography and Conservation: “Fluvial network structure shapes amphipod communities of Switzerland” on February 2, 2017 in Bern CH |
BES Annual Meeting 2016 – Community Ecology Session: “River network structure shapes communities of native and non-native amphipods” on December 12, 2016 in Liverpool UK |
Eco PhD Symposium 2016 – “Do we know the amphipods of Switzerland?” on May 13, 2016 in Kastanienbaum CH |
Biology'16 – The Annual Swiss Conference on Ecology, Evolution, Systematics, Biogeography and Conservation: “Distribution and biogeography of Gammarus lacustris in the Alps” on February 11, 2016 in Lausanne CH |
Eawag Symposium 2015 – “Diversity and distribution of amphipods in Switzerland: First results from Amphipod.CH” on September 11, 2015 in Dübendorf CH |
SEFS9 – Symposium for European Fresh Water Sciences 2015: “Diversity and distribution of amphipods in Switzerland: An alpine perspective” on July 6, 2015 in Geneva CH |
Swiss Rivers Working Group – Meeting February 2015: “Community ecology in river networks: a spatial perspective” on February 10, 2015 in Dübendorf CH |
INVITED SPEAKER: Swiss Speleological Society – Winter meeting 2015: “Diversity and Distribution of Amphipods in Switzerland” on February 7, 2015 in Lucerne CH |
Scientific reviews