Finally, the latest paper I was involved during my Masters got released: “A note on the trophic structure of alpine streams in the Wind River Mountains, Wyoming, USA” in Fundamental & Applied Limnology. The results suggest a glacial carbon signature in stream foodwebs close to the glacier. Further a longitudinal shift in carbon sources was observed in these streams, from a glacial to an instream source and finally to a allochthonous source when moving along the system. Thanks again to the whole team. Riding to the remote sites and sampling was great fun and an exciting adventure.
France sampling campaign
Over easter holidays we headed to the French Alps to search for G. lacustris. Snow, ice and a chilly wind made this trip a nice adventure. Both, the trip to Austria and to France were possible thanks to funding by the Claraz-Donation. Thanks for supporting my work.
Austria sampling campaign
New logo
Prof. Gordan S. Karaman, an outstanding and well-known expert on amphipods, as well as the journal Contributions to Zoology (former Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde) kindly permitted me to use a beautiful drawing of Gammarus lacustris as logo for my homepage. It is derived from Karaman and Pinkster’s 1977 publication on the Gammarus pulex-group [Fig. 12A from Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde 47 (2)]. I would hereby thank him and the journal very much for this honor and permission.
Welcome to my new homepage.
This web page is intended to give a quick overview about my scientific career and ongoing research as a PhD student in the Altermatt lab, working at Eawag and affiliated with University of Zurich in Switzerland. I’m an ecologist by training, focusing on freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity patterns within these habitats. Particularly, I’m studying amphipods and their diversity and distribution on a country-wide scale.